Youth Capacity Building Workshop on Bio-diversity at Henry Island, Bakkhali, 24 Pgs (S)

Youth Capacity Building training on Biodiversity at Henry Island, Bakkhali on 21-22 December 2023.35 youths participated in the workshop. Ms.Chandrima Sinha Project Director , NEWS facilitated the session. They got first hand experience on how to prepare People's Biodiversity Register. Youths were also informed about General Comment 26 and how to fill in their responses online. A plan was also prepared to create awareness among general public on maintaining cleanliness while visiting the Ganga Sagar Mela a sacred fair that occurs every year in the middle of January at Sagar Islands, Sunderbans where thousands and thousands of devotees attend. The youths formed small groups and took the responsibility to create posters, slogans, street plays to create awareness among the pilgrims.