সিগন্যালে যখন দাঁড়িয়ে থাকো , গাড়ি তখন বন্ধ রাখো I – Week II

Kolkata is the second most polluted city in the world, according to a recent report of HEI SoGA,second after the national capital Delhi. Environmental experts and activists are  of the opinion that besides population there are other factors contribution to this high air population rate in Kolkata ,the foremost of which is the automobile fuel emission which contributes 60 percent of air pollution.A study anchored by IIT Delhi has found that teenagers in Kolkata are most vulnerable to upper respiratory symptoms triggered by air pollution. Youths from Lake Gardens raised their concern by taking an initiative to urge people of Kolkata to at least turn off their vehicles' engine while on red signals. Week-II the campaign done in Titagarh signal points and the many people responded and appreciated the initiative.